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Cozy warmth beneath your feet: How to install an infrared floor heating system?

Alina Matsyura

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

heating foil

The installation of infrared in homes has recently become more popular. This is an advantageous solution not only in terms of costs but also an investment that will bring many benefits for years. Therefore, it is no wonder that more and more people are considering using this technology in their homes. In this post, we will present the installation process of infrared floor heating, based on our experiences from our recent project.

The installation of infrared can be divided into the following stages:

🔨 Stage 1: Planning

  • Room layout:

First, you need to plan the location of the permanent fixtures in the room. Remember not to place the heating foil where there will be permanent fixtures (wardrobes, beds, etc.), as this can lead to overheating and subsequently damage the foil. An exception would be furniture standing on legs at least 3 cm high — under them, you can safely lay the foil.

  • Layout of the heating foil:

Once you have determined the areas where the heating system can be applied, choose the appropriate width of the foil so as to best fill the room. Guidelines to follow include keeping a minimum distance of 5 cm from the walls and fixed installations and a distance of 0.5-1 cm between the foil strips. For the heating system to be fully effective, the coverage area should be at least 60% of the total room area.

  • Choosing the power of the heating foil:

Knowing the coverage area and the thermal insulation condition of the room, we can determine the power of the heating foil we will use. In the next stage, we need to check whether the total power of our foil exceeds the power of the electrical connection or if we need to increase the power of this connection. The last planning step is determining the installation sites for thermostats, which will allow us to manage the heating system.

Progressive location of heating film : 1.Surface 2.Vapor barrier film 3.Underlay 4.Heating film and electrical wires 5.Vapor barrier film 6.Panels

Stage 2: Room Preparation

Before starting the installation, several matters should be addressed:

  • Cleaning surfaces:

Both walls and floors must be free from dust and dirt.

  • Surface preparation:

Make sure that the condition of the floor doesn't require any repairs or priming.

Stage 3: Vapor barrier foil

Spread the vapor barrier foil over the entire room area, with a few centimeters of excess. This acts as a protective umbrella against moisture.

Stage 4: Underlayment

Directly on the vapor barrier, lay an insulating underlayment in the form of a dedicated mat or extruded polystyrene, which will provide us with thermal and acoustic insulation. Lay the underlayment, just like the vapor barrier, over the entire room.

Stage 5: Heating foil

This is the heart of the whole system. Lay it according to the earlier design, securing it to the substrate with dedicated adhesive tape.

Stage 6: Electric wires

It's time to power our foil. Using wires matched to the power of our foil, connect the individual strips and then lead everything to the thermostat. Use dedicated connectors for the electric connection of the foil strips and secure them with self-vulcanizing tape. From the thermostat, near the heating foil, also lead a temperature sensor to have full control over the system's operation.

Stage 7: Testing

Now is the time to test our installation. At this stage, we can turn on our system and see if everything works. Any corrections can be made immediately.

Stage 8: Vapor barrier foil

Another element of our system is the second layer of vapor barrier foil. Similarly to stage 4, spread it over the entire room, trimming it evenly with the walls.

Stage 9: Moisture protection

Overlap the vapor barrier foil from the bottom onto its top layer and tape it with the top layer. Also, seal the areas where the electric wires pass through to prevent moisture from getting inside.

Stage 10: Finishing

Laminate panels are installed directly on the top vapor barrier foil and finished with baseboards.

Progressive location of heating film : 1.Surface 2.Vapor barrier film 3.Underlay 4.Heating film and electrical wires 5.Vapor barrier film 6.Panels

As you can see, installing infrared floor heating is straightforward and doesn't require a significant financial or time investment. After just one day of work, you can enjoy cozy warmth beneath your feet. Thanks to our team's support, you can be sure of professional installation and flawless system operation. If you are interested in such a solution, contact us, and we will advise the best solution for your home.

Is infrared floor heating suitable for all types of floors, e.g., for wooden floors, panels, or tiles?

Infrared floor heating installation is versatile and suitable for many floor types, but it's essential to pay attention to the specific material and select the right heating type. For instance, wooden floors or panels may require special precautions to prevent overheating or excessive expansion. Ceramic tiles are excellent heat conductors and work well with floor heating systems, but in this case, we should use a mat instead of a heating foil. It's always good to consult with the flooring material manufacturer and an infrared heating expert before making a decision. It's even possible to install the heating foil under the screed during the house construction phase.

What are the operating costs of an infrared floor heating system compared to traditional heating systems?

Does installing infrared floor heating require special substrate preparation, or can it be installed on an existing floor?

Is infrared heating safe for health?

How long does it typically take to install an infrared floor heating system in a standard single-family home?


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