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Comparing Lithium-Ion, Thermal, and Hydrogen Energy Storage Technologies

Roman Hrytsiuk

Updated: Aug 25, 2023



As the world moves towards a more sustainable energy landscape, energy storage has become a critical component of the transition. Three main energy storage technologies have emerged as key contenders in the market: lithium-ion batteries, thermal storage, and hydrogen storage. This article will delve into the differences between these technologies, comparing their capital costs, efficiencies, lifetimes, electrical generation efficiencies (for thermal storage), and levelized costs of storage (LCOS).

Lithium-Ion Storage


Lithium-ion storage is currently the dominant technology in the market, known for its high efficiency and versatility across a range of applications. The capital cost for lithium-ion batteries has significantly decreased in recent years, with current costs ranging from $200-400 per kWh. These batteries offer round-trip efficiencies between 85-95%, ensuring minimal energy loss during charge-discharge cycles.

The lifetime of lithium-ion batteries varies depending on the specific chemistry, depth of discharge, and operating conditions, with a general range of 2,000-8,000 cycles. The levelized cost of storage for lithium-ion batteries is estimated to be between $150-250 per MWh, making them a competitive option for various energy storage applications.

Thermal Storage


Thermal storage encompasses several sub-technologies, including sensible heat storage, latent heat storage, and thermochemical storage, with capital costs ranging from $1-300 per kWh. The round-trip efficiency of thermal storage varies depending on the specific technology and application, generally falling between 60-90%.

When using thermal storage for electricity generation, the efficiency depends on the type of heat engine employed, such as steam turbines (Rankine cycle), gas turbines (Brayton cycle), or Stirling engines. The electrical generation efficiency for these heat engines ranges from 20-60%. The levelized cost of storage for thermal storage is highly variable and generally higher than lithium-ion storage due to lower round-trip efficiency and electrical generation efficiency.

Thermal storage systems typically do not have a limited number of cycles but may require maintenance or component replacement after many years of operation.

Hydrogen Storage


Hydrogen storage offers a unique approach to energy storage, utilizing hydrogen as a fuel for electricity generation. The capital costs for hydrogen storage depend on the specific method employed, such as compressed hydrogen, liquid hydrogen, or metal hydride storage, with costs ranging from $5-200 per kWh. The round-trip efficiency of hydrogen storage systems is lower than that of lithium-ion batteries, falling between 30-50%.

The levelized cost of storage for hydrogen storage systems is estimated to be between $200-600 per MWh. Hydrogen storage technologies have a significant advantage in terms of lifetime cycles, with electrolyzers and fuel cells lasting 40,000-80,000 hours of operation and storage tanks offering virtually unlimited cycles.

Synergy with Photovoltaics and Heat Pumps


The integration of energy storage technologies with photovoltaic systems and heat pumps can lead to more efficient and flexible energy management. Combining photovoltaic systems with lithium-ion storage allows for storing excess solar energy during peak production hours, which can then be used during periods of low solar radiation or high energy demand. This combination can help maximize the utilization of solar energy and improve the overall performance of the energy system.

Thermal storage, when coupled with heat pumps and photovoltaic systems, can also offer several advantages. Excess solar energy can be used to drive heat pumps, which then store the energy in the form of heat for later use in space heating or cooling applications. This approach can increase the overall efficiency of the system by optimizing energy usage and reducing the reliance on conventional heating and cooling systems.

Hydrogen storage, when integrated with photovoltaic systems, can provide a long-duration energy storage solution. Solar energy can be used to produce hydrogen through electrolysis, which can then be stored and used as a fuel for electricity generation when needed. By coupling hydrogen storage with heat pumps, it is possible to create a highly efficient system for heating and cooling applications that is powered by renewable energy.


Lithium-ion storage:
  • CAPEX: $200-400 per kWh (as of 2022; prices continue to decrease)

  • Efficiency: 85-95% (round-trip efficiency)

  • Lifetime cycles: 2,000-8,000 cycles, depending on battery chemistry, depth of discharge, and operating conditions

  • LCOS: $150-250 per MWh (varies depending on the specific application, battery chemistry, and operational conditions)

Thermal storage:

CAPEX: Varies widely depending on the type of thermal storage:

  • Sensible heat storage (e.g., water, rocks): $1-50 per kWh

  • Latent heat storage (e.g., phase change materials): $20-200 per kWh

  • Thermochemical storage: $50-300 per kWh

Efficiency: Varies depending on the type of thermal storage and application:

  • Sensible heat storage: 70-90% (round-trip efficiency)

  • Latent heat storage: 75-85% (round-trip efficiency)

  • Thermochemical storage: 60-75% (round-trip efficiency)

Electrical generation efficiency (when used with a heat engine, e.g., steam turbine, gas turbine, or Stirling engine):

  • Rankine cycle (steam turbine): 30-45%

  • Brayton cycle (gas turbine): 40-60%

  • Stirling engine: 20-40%

LCOS: Highly variable, depending on the specific technology, application, and scale, but generally higher than lithium-ion storage due to lower round-trip efficiency and electrical generation efficiency

Lifetime cycles: Generally not limited by cycles; may require maintenance or component replacement after many years of operation

Hydrogen storage:

CAPEX: Varies widely depending on the method of hydrogen storage and production:

  • Compressed hydrogen storage: $5-15 per kWh

  • Liquid hydrogen storage: $10-25 per kWh

  • Metal hydride or chemical storage: $50-200 per kWh

Efficiency: 30-50% (round-trip efficiency, considering electrolysis, storage, and conversion back to electricity using fuel cells or combustion engines)

LCOS: $200-600 per MWh (varies depending on the specific application, production method, and operational conditions)

Lifetime cycles: Electrolyzers and fuel cells generally have a lifetime of 40,000-80,000 hours of operation; the storage itself (e.g., compressed or liquid hydrogen tanks) has a virtually unlimited number of cycles

Please note that these values are approximate and should be used as a reference only. Actual costs, efficiencies, and lifetimes can vary significantly depending on factors such as scale, location, technology advancements, and market conditions. A detailed analysis should be performed to obtain accurate estimates for specific projects or applications.


Each of these energy storage technologies—, thermal storage, and hydrogen storage—offers unique advantages and disadvantages in terms of capital costs, efficiencies, lifetimes, and levelized costs of storage. The choice of technology depends on the specific application, scale, and location, among other factors. The integration of these storage technologies with photovoltaic systems and heat pumps can lead to more efficient and sustainable energy solutions. As the energy landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial to understand these differences and consider the most appropriate storage solution for each project or application.

Jaka technologia zwycięży?

  • Lithium-Ion Storage

  • Thermal Storage

  • Hydrogen storage

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Thanks for the comparison done.

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